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/ 01.08.20

Roadmap to Becoming A Better Mom in 2020

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The title of this post may fool you, but the roadmap to being a better mom is all about taking care of YOURSELF! Often times we are so caught up in being the perfect mom and doing everything for our children that we tend to lose ourselves. One of the reasons for leaving my retail job in brick-in-mortar was because I wanted to spend more time with my children. In hindsight that sounded great, and is still one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. When you dive into that though, that means even more hours being mom, and even less hours for self care. I would question myself and feel guilty if I left the house to get my nails done, or leave the children in general because I left my job to spend more time with them. So why would I want a break?

A lot of self reflection has happened over the course of 6 months, and realized I am the best mom when I take a small break. Even if its stepping outside and walking, or a mani/pedi…that time is needed. My attitude is better, my patience doesn’t seem to wear as thin, and I feel like I am more loving. We beat ourselves up over being “perfect” and with social media we stress ourselves out looking at others saying how is she doing all of this? You never know what one is dealing with, so stop focusing on what others are showing, and start focusing on how you can make your situation the best for your lifestyle. I want to be present in every moment with my children. Just because I am physically here, I am guilty of not “being there” in the moment. I am always working, and working from home causes the work to never really have a stopping point. It’s like OMG I got an email let me respond, or let me post a story on social media, or let me scroll and see what everyone is doing. Instead I want to invest that time with my children and learn with them, read a book, be apart of their imaginative stories. I am making myself have an end to everyday so I can be present, and also challenging myself to take time for ME so that I am a better mom and wife!

There is no right or wrong when it comes to parenting (I mean we are all trying to figure it out) and we all want our children to have a better life than we had even if our childhood was a good one! The pastor said in church on Sunday that our children will remember us by the fun times we had, and how we loved them and LOVE to them is spelled with TIME! Make a plan and a schedule so that you can use your dedicated working time to actually be productive, so that way when its go time with the children you are present. When I say you, I mean me as well… I am working on this daily!

I wanted to share my view point, and hope this helps some of you moms or even moms-to-be! Remember don’t be to hard on yourself in this journey. Express love, understanding, make time for yourself, and then organize your time so that you can be thoughtful and in the moment with your children. So remember you are your OWN roadmap to being a better YOU/MOM in 2020!


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