OMG, you guys are seriously the best supporters in the best supporters in the world. Dear Ahmad started off as a joke, because its like I’m saying Ahmad’s name every 5 seconds, and most times in conjunction with me asking for something. I said #dearahmad a few times on my instastories, and recently when I went to New Orleans, you all messaged me all saying the same thing; DEAR AHMAD should be an ongoing post on the blog. So even though Ahmad thinks that we are all crazy, I am so here for it! So cheers to all of you for helping me come up with this, and another cheers for this being the first DEAR AHMAD segment!!!! I will keep it really simple, and it will be just a few items that are on my wish list, in my shopping carts, or things that I know for sure are out of my price range, but a girl can dream about. Maybe Ahmad will get the hint and look at all of these post, or better yet I will just send him the links to the blog post when they go live! I’ll keep y’all posted on how that goes, but for now let me scream to the top of my lungs….. DEAR AHMAD!!!!